Fantastic bridge, but hidden topic.
This speech is worth watching
Vito Mediavilla's Personal Website
Fantastic bridge, but hidden topic.
This speech is worth watching
Blut ist kostbar. Für den Menschen, in dessen Adern es fliesst – und für die Pharma-Industrie, die immer mehr Blut-Plasma zu Medikamenten verarbeitet. Eine Sondersendung über den Menschen als Rohstoff-Lieferanten und das Business mit dem Lebenselixier Blut.
This major update was successfully realized by Javier Ferraz from, an expert company located in Spain. It uses a newly installed WordPress template for mobile devices like SmartPhones and Tablets. The system uses a Responsive WordPress Theme, so content and template do adapt according the broswer size and perfectly displays into all mobile devices.
Web analytics data was showing that is increasingly visited using mobile devices. This is a clear trend that we wanted to support with a website that better adapt to user’s needs. We suppose that this need is mainly coming from GIST patients searching for information in hospitals or at least not using desktop devices.
These are some examples how looks like on a SmartPhone:
This video expains it really in an easy and funny way.
The same style we used to produce the video “Weighing without risks with GWP – Good Weighing Practice – from Mettler Toledo“.
Die Website der GIST-Gruppe Schweiz wurde zu der neuen domain migriert.
The GWP® – Good Weighing Practice™ – website became a new design and look. The site was moved to the new CMS Day Communiqué CQ4. The site is available at and will be soon available also
It contains also the GWP Risk Check for lab balances and scales.
Following languages are available: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, French, Polish, Netherlands. Other will follow soon. Read more in “Mettler Toledo Flash Oktober 2010”
Location: Scuola Teatro Dimitri Verscio
Teacher: Clown Orid
Day 1
Walk around, jump, turn, fast, slow
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5