Location: Scuola Teatro Dimitri Verscio
Teacher: Clown Orid
Day 1
- Stay like upright, open, closed
- Dialogue, create a story – up to 13 persons
- Mirror
- Personas: kids, teen, women, men, old

Walk around, jump, turn, fast, slow
Day 2
- Body feeling – head, shoulders, neck, breast, lumbar
- Playing ball, passing, food-ball, tennis, volley-ball
- Passing objects, to cord, bloowing ballons
- Doors open, closing
- Sentiments – joy, sadness, anger, in love
Day 3
- Body training
- Hands work
- Pull & push the rope and a weight
- Feel and hand the wall, the table
- Situations: barbacue, fixing PC, cleaning the garage
Day 4
- Body training: cat’s walk
- Pull & push the rope and a weight
- Faces (see Marcel Marceau Sketch)
- Situations & feelings: cooking a pie stressed or relaxed, mounting a fence
- Creating situations in a park
- Tired mountain walker sees a lake
- He loves to jump in and refresh
- But the water is so cold…
- No, the man is strong. He does not care and jumps in
- Relaxed, refreshed and stronger than ever
Day 5
- Body training:
a) Head left, right, up, down, turn l, turn r, vorward, backward
b) Shoulders up, down, turn r, l, toghether, circles
c) Breast out, in
d) Lumbar vorwards, backwards, turns normal, big, small
e) Legs front, turn, back, turn, balance, high - Fight
- Homeworks